Podcast Engineers

Site copy for Podcast Engineers Podcast Engineers edit some of the best B2B podcasts today. After several years in the business, they decided to upgrade their website and refresh their copy. We worked together to improve their site copy and overall messaging. We also put together a few case studies!
Picture Hang Solutions

Content strategy for Picture Hang Solutions Picture Hang Solutions is a one-stop ecommerce shop for picture-hanging hardware. I crafted the site’s content strategy, which included: I also oversaw article production while serving as editor and content lead.

Long-form blog post for Encharge Encharge is a marketing automation tool. I wrote an in-depth blog post about inbound marketing.

Content strategy and long-form blogs for Tactical.com Tactical is a survival blog focused on helping people prepare for disasters and unexpected events. We initially worked together to create SEO blog posts and in-depth product review articles. From there, I improved the site’s overall content strategy, which included keyword research and topic ideation. Bonus: I also […]
Rainbowfish Studios

Site copy for Rainbowfish Studios Rainbowfish Studios is a premiere wedding photography studio based in Cebu and New York. They needed someone to write web copy that reflected their unique personality and service. We worked together to create site copy that evoked romance, genuine moments, and new beginnings.

Content strategy, long-form blogs, and content repurposing for Shepherd Shepherd is a headhunter agency that matches Filipino talent with US companies. They needed a content marketer who can take ownership of all their content marketing efforts. I crafted the brand’s content strategy, which included: I also write regularly for their blog.